London, 2-5/8/24

But on a whole new level, London.

Since I moved away in 2016, I can’t deny that leaving you left a bittersweet taste in my mouth, a lingering “what if I had stayed?”. I love this city with all my heart. Moving here was a lifelong dream, and while it’s true that London isn’t the easiest place to live, what it gives in return is immeasurable.

No surprise that every time I return to visit friends, these feelings resurface. But as I’ve grown older, my view of London has become more balanced. I see the city’s challenges more clearly: the overwhelming crowds, the relentless pace, the career-driven atmosphere, and the exhausting commutes. Yet, despite all this, a few days of British politeness, wholesome chats with friends, breathtaking old and new sights, vintage shopping, and foodie adventures fill my heart with so much joy and reminded me that this door is not a completely closed one.

Amidst the chaos and sensory overload that defined life in London, I often found myself craving a sanctuary, a place that could quiet my mind and restore my sense of peace. For me, that refuge was Regent’s Canal. It became my escape, a space where I could gather my thoughts, make sense of life’s complexities, and simply breathe. With each exhale, I felt some of the weight on my shoulders lift.

Even after I moved away, Regent’s Canal always pulled me back whenever I visited the city. This time, I walked from Camden Town to Hackney Wick, and with each step, I took in more than just the familiar sights. I reflected on how much my life had shifted since my London days, and how far I had come.. As I walked, I wasn’t just revisiting a place: I was honoring the journey that brought me to where I stand today.

Canon EOS 300, Kodak Gold 200 (35)

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September 11, 2024

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